Looking for a Job to start the New Year, but you don't know where to look. The answer could be staring you right in the face.
The Internet as we all know is growing in popularity and its usefulness every day. So why not use it to look for a new job. Here are ten sites to get you started with your online job hunting. Have a look, you'll be surprised.
1. Careers in Cyberspace [Internet]
Geared to getting individuals employed with careers in and around the subject of, you guessed it, the Internet. Good site search facility and you'll find it packed with interesting information, if that's your thing.
2. Career Centre
This site has a great collection of links to employment all over the Internet. Online career advisors and even how to get a job in a Fortune 500 company [almost]. A large site and well respected. You might even see Bill Gates job advertised here if the Department of Justice gets its way.
Employers can search for you by fields in your online resume and as a job hunter you can search jobs by criteria your most interested in. A little bit more US that world-wide but there are job opportunities for the UK job seeker at large.
4. Career Magazine.com
A virtual plethora of links, resume design and searchable services make this a must to visit, you'll find where, what and when of job seeking. Good tips on presentation and general information of openings in the employment sector.
5. Employment Online: Resources for People with Disabilities
Average links and information for people with disabilities that are looking for employment. You'll need to look hard at the links page, but there are UK sites and vacancies to suit different needs. Could provide more resources as this type of specialised site are few and far between.
This site has thousands of job postings each month. Another good search section that lets you specify the job type your searching for.
7. Career Resource Centre
Links to all the online services you need to find a job. You can research a job vacancy or check out places of education to top up your skills. You can search by world locations, yup the UK is in the European section.
8. ResumeNet
A resume is a shop window of your skills. This site provides a good selection of support to get your skills noticed, such as resume design and web space support, if you have a resume pamper it here.
9. JobCenter
Although you'll have to pay to put you resume online the employers advertise for free. Nice continuous turnover of jobs vacancies.
10. Silicon Valley Employment Opportunities
Well we can all dream! I looked for 20 minutes trying to find the Apple CEO job, but alas failed to find it...damn!